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Official Name:大东洲西山烽火台
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Period:明 / Ming Dynasty 1368~1644
Location: 抚顺市,抚顺县,救兵乡大东洲村西600米的山顶上 / FuShunShi,FuShunXian,JiuBingXiangDaDongZhouCunXi600MiDeShanDingShang
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Details:长城类别:单体建筑 经纬高度:东经:124° 0′ 北纬:41° 44′ 海拔:215 建筑形式:不清。 材料:土、砖。 附近遗存:东距抄道长城11千米,东南距东州堡0.8千米。
Type:烽火台 Beacon Tower
Protection Level:无  
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Distribution:visit location in Tianditu Map[recommend]
Distribution:visit location in Tencent QQ Map
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Distribution:visit location in Baidu Map
National ID:210421353201170024
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Picture: Click the thumbnail to view the Big Pic. Click the Big Pic to Hide the Big Pic
大东洲西山烽火台     Caption:大东洲西山烽火台
Photo Time:2007-07-17 07:51:00
Photo Contributor:辽宁省文物局
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大东洲西山烽火台     Caption:大东洲西山烽火台
Photo Time:2007-07-17 07:47:17
Photo Contributor:辽宁省文物局
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大东洲西山烽火台     Caption:大东洲西山烽火台
Photo Time:2007-07-17 07:44:35
Photo Contributor:辽宁省文物局
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大东洲西山烽火台远景     Caption:大东洲西山烽火台远景
Photo Contributor:败家的dollbear
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烽火台侧壁     Caption:烽火台侧壁
Photo Contributor:败家的dollbear
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