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Official Name:白皮关关门
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Period:明 / Ming Dynasty 1368~1644
Location: 山西省,晋中市,昔阳县,冶头镇口上村东侧0.01千米 / ShanXiSheng,JinZhongShi,XiYangXian,YeTouZhenKouShangCunDongCe001QianMi
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Details:长城类别:单体建筑 经纬高度:东经:113° 59′ 北纬:37° 38′ 海拔:670 建筑形式:白皮关关门位于口上村村东边缘、松溪河北岸山崖顶部,地势险要。关门门洞大致呈东西走向。关门为石块砌筑,底部为条石垒砌,门洞用拱形石券构筑,门洞顶部再用规整石块垒砌。底部条石基础共5层,总高1.25米。关门门洞内保存有门枢石、门栓洞等,门洞西侧保存有2步石质阶梯。关门南侧墙体多沿松溪河北岸山崖而建。 材料:关门系土石混筑,外侧用石块垒砌,石块间白灰勾缝,内部填以碎石泥土。所用石块大小不等,均为火山岩石,长0.4米-1.2米,厚0.18米-0.28米。关门南侧墙体系土石混筑,外侧用石块垒砌,内侧紧靠山体,中间填以碎石泥土。 附近遗存:GPS0106(白皮关关门、口上村东侧长城2段起点)是白皮关关门北壁与口上村东侧长城2段相接点。GPS0106(白皮关关门)北距GPS0098(口上村东侧长城1段起点、口上村东侧敌台)0.32千米,东北距GPS0121(口上村东侧烽火台)0.9千米,南距GPS0109(口上村南侧1号烽火台)0.158千米,南距GPS0110(口上村南侧2号烽火台)0.385千米,西北距GPS0112(口上村北侧烽火台)0.067千米,西北距GPS0114(口上村北侧采石场)0.16千米。GPS0106(白皮关关门)东侧0.02千米有1座关帝庙,庙宇顶部及四壁为近年重修,地面残存2块有孔石板,应为古代遗物。
Type:其他墙上单体建筑 Other single building on the wall
Protection Level:省保  
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National ID:140724352199170006
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白皮关关门     Caption:白皮关关门
Photo Time:2007-09-02 17:04:38
Photo Contributor:山西省文物局
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白皮关关门     Caption:白皮关关门
Photo Time:2007-09-02 17:08:13
Photo Contributor:山西省文物局
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白皮关关门     Caption:白皮关关门
Photo Time:2007-09-02 17:09:12
Photo Contributor:山西省文物局
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白皮关关门     Caption:白皮关关门
Photo Time:2007-09-02 17:18:06
Photo Contributor:山西省文物局
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白皮关关门     Caption:白皮关关门
Photo Time:2007-09-02 17:05:22
Photo Contributor:山西省文物局
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白皮关关门     Caption:白皮关关门
Photo Time:2007-09-02 17:05:09
Photo Contributor:山西省文物局
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白皮关关门     Caption:白皮关关门
Photo Time:2007-09-02 17:07:05
Photo Contributor:山西省文物局
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白皮关关门     Caption:白皮关关门
Photo Time:2007-09-02 17:06:21
Photo Contributor:山西省文物局
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白皮关关门     Caption:白皮关关门
Photo Time:2007-09-02 11:22:31
Photo Contributor:山西省文物局
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白皮关关门     Caption:白皮关关门
Photo Time:2007-09-02 09:39:58
Photo Contributor:山西省文物局
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白皮关关门     Caption:白皮关关门
Photo Time:2007-09-02 09:34:24
Photo Contributor:山西省文物局
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白皮关关门     Caption:白皮关关门
Photo Time:2007-09-02 09:23:03
Photo Contributor:山西省文物局
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