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Official Name:二龙屯金界壕4段
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Period:金 / Jin Dynasty 1115~1234
Location: 内蒙古自治区,兴安盟,科尔沁右翼中旗,巴仁哲里木镇二龙屯西南7.6千米处巴仁哲里木镇二龙屯西南10.6千米处 / NeiMengGuZiZhiQu,XingAnMeng,KeErQinYouYiZhongQi,BaRenZheLiMuZhenErLongTunXiNan76QianMiChuBaRenZheLiMuZhenErLongTunXiNan106QianMiChu
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Details:长城类别:界壕壕堑 起点经纬高度:东经:° ′ 北纬:° ′ 海拔: 终点经纬高度:东经:° ′ 北纬:° ′ 海拔: 墙体走向: 墙体类别:界壕 结构特点及构筑方式:墙体底宽顶窄,剖面略呈梯形。现存墙体底宽11.2米-12.4米,顶宽0.3米-1.6米,高1.8米-4.0米。 与相邻界壕和其他遗存的平面位置关系:此段界壕东北接二龙屯金界壕3段,西南接哈日努拉金界壕1段。此段界壕的墙体上建有4座马面,即二龙屯1号-二龙屯4号马面,间距在21米-44米之间不等。 现状:土墙。
Type:界壕、壕堑 Boundary trench, fosse
Protection Level:国保  
Other Records:
Distribution:visit location in Tianditu Map[recommend]
Distribution:visit location in Tencent QQ Map
Distribution:visit location in Google Map
Distribution:visit location in Baidu Map
National ID:152222382201150026
The original number submitted by the local government :152222382201150009
(when the Great Wall is identified, the data whose code has been adjusted will display the original number submitted by the local government before revision, which can be used by the local cultural relics department when checking the local data.)
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东巴彦乌兰金界壕1段     Caption:东巴彦乌兰金界壕1段
Photo Contributor:内蒙古自治区文物局
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东巴彦乌兰金界壕1段     Caption:东巴彦乌兰金界壕1段
Photo Contributor:内蒙古自治区文物局
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东巴彦乌兰金界壕1段     Caption:东巴彦乌兰金界壕1段
Photo Contributor:内蒙古自治区文物局
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东巴彦乌兰金界壕1段     Caption:东巴彦乌兰金界壕1段
Photo Contributor:内蒙古自治区文物局
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东巴彦乌兰金界壕1段     Caption:东巴彦乌兰金界壕1段
Photo Contributor:内蒙古自治区文物局
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