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Official Name:东安堡
Our Name:四坝寨 / SiBaZhai
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Period:明 / Ming Dynasty 1368~1644
Location: 甘肃省,武威市,民勤县,民勤县城东5.7千米,苏武乡政府东北约4千米的红沙堡沙窝中 / GanSuSheng,WuWeiShi,MinQinXian,MinQinXianChengDong57QianMiSuWuXiangZhengFuDongBeiYue4QianMiDeHongShaBaoShaWoZhong
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Details:长城类别:关堡 经纬高度:东经:103° 09′ 北纬:38° 37′ 海拔:1352 总体情况:城址城墙为黄土夯筑而成,土质较差,略有沙化。大部分墙体坍塌严重,多为土垄状,墙体底宽2.50米-5米,顶宽0.50米-1.50米,高0.50米-5米;夯层厚0.10米-0.20米。东城东墙风蚀坍塌为土堆状,断断续续,底宽5米,残高0.80米-4.60米。东城南墙坍塌严重,底宽5米,残高0.50米-2.60米。东城西墙(西城东墙共用)多坍塌为土垄状,底宽3.20米-4.50米,残高1.50米-5米。西城南墙大多风蚀成脊状,底宽5米,残高2.50米-4米。西城残存西墙底宽3.50米-5米,顶宽1.20米-3米,残高4米-5米。 附近遗存:
Type:堡 Fort
Protection Level: 
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Distribution:visit location in Tianditu Map[recommend]
Distribution:visit location in Tencent QQ Map
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National ID:620621353102170002
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东安堡     Caption:东安堡
Photo Time:2007-11-20 16:40:40
Photo Contributor:甘肃省文物局
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东安堡     Caption:东安堡
Photo Time:2007-11-20 16:44:18
Photo Contributor:甘肃省文物局
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东安堡     Caption:东安堡
Photo Time:2007-11-20 17:00:27
Photo Contributor:甘肃省文物局
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东安堡     Caption:东安堡
Photo Time:2007-11-20 17:18:24
Photo Contributor:甘肃省文物局
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东安堡     Caption:东安堡
Photo Time:2007-11-20 17:23:18
Photo Contributor:甘肃省文物局
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东安堡     Caption:东安堡
Photo Time:2007-11-20 17:26:29
Photo Contributor:甘肃省文物局
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东安堡     Caption:东安堡
Photo Time:2007-11-20 17:28:27
Photo Contributor:甘肃省文物局
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