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Official Name:¸ß·å´å1ºÅ·é»ð̨
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Period:Ã÷ / Ming Dynasty 1368~1644
Location: ÉÂÎ÷Ê¡,ÓÜÁÖÊÐ,ºáɽÏØ,ºáɽÕò¸ß·å´å¶«Ô¼1000Ã× / ShanXiSheng,YuLinShi,HengShanXian,HengShanZhenGaoFengCunDongYue1000Mi
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Details:³¤³ÇÀà±ð£ºµ¥Ì彨Öþ ¾­Î³¸ß¶È£º¶«¾­£º109¡ã 12¡ä ±±Î³£º37¡ã 55¡ä º£°Î£º1277.10 ½¨ÖþÐÎʽ£ºÕâÊÇÒ»×ù½¨ÔÚÒ»µÀ×ÔȻɽÁºÉϵĴøÓлù×ùºÍΧǽµÄº»ÍÁ·é»ð̨£¬¶«Î÷Á½²à¸÷ÓÐÒ»Ìõ¹µ¡ ½¨Öþ²ÄÁÏ£º»ÆÍÁÖþ³É£¬º»²ãºñ0.17Ãס£ ½¨Öþ³ß´ç£º»ù×ù¶«Î÷³¤35Ã×£¬Äϱ±¿í34Ã×£¬Î÷±±½Ç×î¸ß3.5Ãס£Éϲ¿¿É¼ûº»²ã£¬ºñ0.17Ãס£µ×²¿¶«Î÷³¤18Ã×£»Äϱ±¿í16Ãס£¶¥²¿±ß³¤10.2Ã×£»¸ß3.5Ãס£ ²ÄÁÏ£º ¸½½üÒŴ棺
Type:·é»ð̨ Beacon Tower
Protection Level:ÎÞ ¡¡
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Distribution:visit location in Tianditu Map[recommend]
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National ID:610823353201170099
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¸ß·å´å1ºÅ·é»ð̨     Caption:¸ß·å´å1ºÅ·é»ð̨
Photo Time:2007-08-03 10:05:49
Photo Contributor:ÉÂÎ÷Ê¡ÎÄÎï¾Ö
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¸ß·å´å1ºÅ·é»ð̨     Caption:¸ß·å´å1ºÅ·é»ð̨
Photo Time:2007-08-03 10:07:47
Photo Contributor:ÉÂÎ÷Ê¡ÎÄÎï¾Ö
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¸ß·å´å1ºÅ·é»ð̨     Caption:¸ß·å´å1ºÅ·é»ð̨
Photo Time:2007-08-03 10:09:09
Photo Contributor:ÉÂÎ÷Ê¡ÎÄÎï¾Ö
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